It’s amazing how much can happen in a short period of time so I hope to catch you all up. This could take a while so grab a cup of coffee, mug of beer, or a cocktail, whichever is appropriate for you. No judgement here.

When we packed up to leave the Kaibab forest outside of Grand Canyon, we discovered that the living room/kitchen slide-out would not slide all the way back in. Actually, one side of it would not slide in so it stuck our 4” on one end and was fully in on the other. Not ideal for travel but it had taken quite a bit of physical push and pull to get it to that so I could safely drive it to somewhere with cell service. It’s still under warranty so I called the dealership to find out where to take it. They have a priority service that works with centers all over the US. After an hour waiting while they looked for locations and I was given two options…. Laughlin, NV about 200 miles away or Albuquerque, NM about 400 miles away. I’ll spare you the details of the multiple phone calls but we left GC heading to Laughlin without actual confirmation that they would be able to look at the slide. (they had indicated to me that the first available appointment was May 26 but the dealership was working on helping them understand the word “priority”)
The trip there was uneventful except to say that the drop in elevation coincided with a rise in temperature and by the time we reached Hades (aka Laughlin) it was in the mid 90’s. Considering we had just been in snow a few days before, the change was extreme and did not lend itself to the positivity of my mental state. However, Kyle at RV Country got to work immediately trying to figure out what was wrong with the slide. The determination was that it was one of the motors and informed me that, of course, they did not have that motor type in stock. Again I was given two options… since it’s under warranty they could go that route to order the part but it would take 3 to 4 weeks for the part to come in or, I could pay $500 plus labor and they could get the part in 5 days. I didn’t like either option so asked what was behind door number 3. (not that I wouldn’t pay $500+ to get out of Hades but….) Option 3 was a “work around” that Kyle made me promise not to tell anyone so don’t pass this along….. 😉 There’s a secret button that you can push 6 times and then hold on the 7th that will allow the slides to move. Don’t ask me how and it doesn’t really matter because even though it worked THERE it did not work at the new HERE. (more on here later if you’re still sipping your beverage and reading along)
Option 3 would, in theory, get me by until I could find a more comfortable place than Hades to get hang out while it gets fixed. So, off we decided to continue on with our original planned route to Marble Canyon thinking we could use the work around to set up camp for a couple of weeks and figure out where we wanted to go for RV service. Another 4+ hours of driving for what was now a total of 8 hours and we were back to Flagstaff, AZ and exhausted. The only free camping option was an REI parking lot so we pulled in and crashed for very loud night of sirens seemingly all around. At 5am I was wide awake so we hit the road again. Albert was over the whole constant road travel but I think Dragon has decided he likes it. Although, really, it’s hard to tell as he never moves from his cushy pillow and his expression… well, you’ve seen photos.
During the drive I noticed a sign for Wupatki National Monument which is a loop that goes past a now dormant valcano called Sunset Crater and ancient pueblo ruins so I decided to take a detour. I missed the first entrance completely (probably not awake yet) so we ended up backtracking on 89 when we came out but it was totally worth it. The scenery was amazing but I would have done it just to hear the GPS say Wukoki over and over.
Thanks for sticking around until the end... Until next time, keep Movin' On!n!On! On!On!n!! volcano and feel that you are on another planet. The pictures do not do justice to the colors that abound in the area. Red rocks and sand meet black basalt with the greens of the evergreens making splashes throughout. It's beautiful in a way that's different from the other landscapes I've seen so far. a
The pueblo ruins were a dramatic difference and yet a part of it as well. I am always humbled by thoughts of ancient peoples and how they lived their lives. They built these dwellings that we are still able to see and study today. I wonder if, in spite of all our "knowledge", if our modern society will leave anything that's as worthy to study.
The slide out "work around" did not work when I arrived here. I was eventually able to get the slide to open all the way by disconnecting each side of the slide to move it in 3" to 4" inch increments per side but not without having a major meltdown first. The kitchen sink was not working either... I was hot, smelly, and cranky. An intervention was needed so, after a shower, a beer, a nap and studying the landscape of our new location helped to give me a new perspective. As many of you know, I'm not a religious person... I do believe that what you put out in to the world comes back to you and after the shift in my perspective the kitchen sink started working and as I said, I was able to get the slide open and I'm confident I can get it closed to travel again. I have an appointment for the slide issue for the 17th of this month in a place much more appealing than Hades. Fingers crossed!
Now a little about our current location. We landed in Marble Canyon not far from Lee's Ferry/Glen Canyon where many of the kayaks and float trips start out from. I did go on a kayaking trip (see a short video below that in no way does the trip justice) with some awesome ladies who came to share my boondocking location. One couple I have known on Facebook for years but we had never met in person and we have been following each other's travels in the hopes we could connect and it finally worked out! They are traveling with another couple they met on the road and both are cruising in a red Winnebago Travato Van. This is for you ladies! 😉

Jeep Wave/Van Life
I love the van concept and they each have made theirs very homey for themselves and their critters. (One van has 3 dogs and the other two kitties) Life, as with all paw parents, revolve around the kids so each van has been outfitted for the comfort and happiness of the pets of course!
This boondocking location is HUGE sThey camped just a little ways down the road and we were able to spend the evenings chatting, sharing food and gazing at the stars. We also had a movie night under the stars which was super fun even if the movie could have used a better ending... hahaha
Short video of the kayak trip. Sorry there are no photos.... it seems the phone I was using did not save any of the ones I took. ☹️
Next stop will be in St. George, UT for the "electric no-slide" repairs and then I plan to head back south to catch the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. (I am determined to see the South Rim and hang out there for a while before heading back into Utah) I would have been there already but it doesn't open until May 15th as it's still considered "winter" there. I will, of course, keep you all in the loop on how all of that goes.
I am getting close to a name for the RV... would love to get your vote so feel free to leave a comment on which you like the most.... or give me one of your own! Also, a friend was wanting to know how you leave a comment without your email showing up?? Some of you have done it so please share in the comments as well! Ok, here are the possible names so far: (in alphabetical order so as to not give a preference)
Well, if you are still with me thanks for sticking around until the end.... this was a long one. If you like what you read please consider sharing the link to my blog as I would love to grow our group. In the future I will be adding some life hacks for full time RV life that can be helpful for you sticks and bricks folks as well.
I can't wait to see what name you names you vote on! Until next time, keep Movin' On!