You know if the title of a blog is Pet Peeves it's a rant. Right? Consider this your "content may not be suitable for children or squeamish adults" warning.
First one, yes there's more than one. You know that popup window you get when you visit certain sites that say hey, you have adblocker on and we would really like to be able to inundate you with ads for products you never knew you wanted or ads for products similar to or exactly like what you just recently searched on Google, Amazon, YouTube, Bing, Facebook for. Oh, and by the way, we have a "premium" option where you can PURCHASE our services and get rid of these blasted ads... but if you decide to go with the free version, well, you're gonna have to turn off that adblocker or this little window will stay open so you can't see.
I have the adblocker on to stop those annoying, flashing, irritating ads that I don't want to see either because I don't want the product or it's just too eery that you know what I've been researching.
If I wanted to purchase your services I would have already done it. You're the fucking WEATHER CHANNEL!
Second Peeve, health insurance. I am trying to be an educated citizen (something that is definitely not looked favorably on by those in charge of "guiding" the masses) and see what are all the options available. OMFG! I have had no less than 8 texts and 6 phone calls since yesterday evening (it's not quite 9am here now) wanting to talk to me about a free quote.
If I wanted to TALK to a pushy salesperson I would have CALLED YOU! It was an intentional decision on my part to research my options first, figure out what my questions were, so then I COULD CALL with questions that I was not able to determine on my own. Seriously, I don't want to talk to you.
And I shouldn't have any questions because all of the information should be available ON YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE!
Third Peeve, paper. This is the 21st century. We have everything available electronically. I get all of my bills electronically. I do all of my banking electronically. I do all of my correspondence with friends electronically. I write a blog, take notes, take a class, electronically. THERE IS NO REASON I SHOULD HAVE TO BUY A PRINTER!! But, I am currently dealing with an institution, a very large, very prominent, very recognized institution that insists on snail-mailing everything as paper which they will mail next day air from Illinois to Florida (even though it doesn't need to be) which then needs to be mailed to me in Utah... all of which is for REVIEW of the paperwork they will now mail to me that I will need to sign and mail back. When I asked why they said it was for security reasons. Seriously?? How is this process of sending paperwork WITH ALL THE INFORMATION all over the fucking country in a van or truck MORE secure than an electronically scrambled system?
AND, I've had two more phone calls and one text from health insurance companies while writing this.
End of rant..... for now.