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The Grand Canyon and Beyond

Deb Mason

View from Navajo Bridge in Glen Canyon

We have spent the last week in Kaibab NF near the south rim of Grand Canyon. The weather was warm and sunny the first few days and then we had rain/snow/clouds for a few days. Cold and grey. It’s the first time I’ve had to turn on the generator to charge up the batteries… more for Dragon of course than for me and Albert. The snow day we all spent on the couch huddled in front of the Wave6 all of us wondering why we were here instead of the desert.

I saw wild horses in the park! I had no idea they were there. Tons of elk that walk out onto the road and put up with all the idiots who want to take photos. But when I saw the horses I became one of those idiots. lol I did stay far away and tried not to disturb them. They seemed pretty chill.

Wild horses in Grand Canyon National Park

The Grand Canyon is amazing, huge and, well, grand. It’s also full of people. I have come to realize that I much prefer the "off the beaten path" locations. There are so many beautiful vistas that are totally free and just as grand (or even more so grand!) with a lot less people. I prefer the chance one-on-one encounters with people. It seems to work out that I meet the most interesting people out of the main areas.

Like the couple I met on an almost missed rocky road pull off with the most amazing view like the one below. We ended up chatting for 20 minutes. They were from Puerto Rico and were on the road in their car and a tent.

View of the canyon outside of the the park

I was taking a drive up to Lee’s Ferry and then on to Page, AZ scouting for the next location. I’ll be meeting up with some fellow travelers/FB friends near there and wanted to see what kind of camping was available.

The drive was spectacular and as soon as I started coming out of the park area the desert came into view and I could feel my soul start to sing. What you go to see inside the park is beautiful, no doubt, but if you don’t just head back out of the main entrance and back to the highway, if you take the lesser roads to head north, the beauty will almost make you weep.

Driving 64 to 89 and heading north takes you through the Novajo Indian Reservation. All along 89 there places to stop with stands that sell authentic Navajo jewelry, blankets, baskets, dream catchers and more. Most of the stands are empty. Covid hit the reservations hard and of the few stands that were still open, many were being run by kids. I wonder if that’s because they are less susceptible to covid? Have to wonder.

It goes through a part of the Painted Desert and I now understand why they call it that.

The red of the desert earth paints the clouds with a warm, pink glow that cannot be reproduced by mere mortals. There are flat lands, hills, and giant cliffs (Vermilion Cliffs) that are a dark red and pink and tan with splashes of green thrown in. Desert flowers are blooming along the side of the road so here and there a flash of yellow or bright red. Mother Nature’s art.

As hard as it may be for some to believe, I am pretty much done with the Grand Canyon and ready to move on. Yesterdays drive made me realize how much I miss the desert and how much more beauty there is to see. I know Dragon and Albert are ready for more sunny and warmer weather.

Speaking of Albert, he scared the crap out of me the other day. They guy never goes near the door and runs whenever I enter or exit but the other day I was out with Dragon and had left the screen door open as I was getting Dragon settled and Albert decided he wanted to come out and look around. No collar (that's now his toy and he pulls it off so he drag it around the trailer like his latest kill), no harness, no leash. Of course I'm panicking on the inside but can't show it because that will surely make him bolt. So I talk to him as he goes sniffing under the RV, then over to the table, then over to Dragon... all the while my heart is pounding. Then just as quickly he goes back to the door and jumps back in. I sweetly and calmly told him he was fucking asshole for scaring my like that to which he sat down, flipped his tail and looked at me like "What? I was just checkin it out." SMH

So I've decided that I need to get myself a gadget that can have satellite access for emergencies when I am off grid. Every time I go out in the jeep, or even where I'm currently camped, I worry that something will happen and Dragon and Albert will starve. Yes, I worry more about making sure they can get help. lol I've decided on a Garmin inReach Explorer+ Handheld Satellite Communicator. This thing is expensive so if you guys shop Amazon at all, please use the links provided on my products page. Remember you don't have to buy those particular items, just shop through one of my links. Every little bit helps and there's no extra cost to you! I know you guys shop on Amazon.....

Last thing, I want to clarify the F word write up on the last blog was not my creation. I got it from the jokes that Sebastian gave me... I just added the election one. Just don't want anyone to think I created that one!

Until next time, keep Movin' On.



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