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Tracks Of The Past, Paths Of The Future

Deb Mason

Be sure to read all the way to the end for a BIG update!

I can't believe it's been two months since my last blog post! I spent a lot of that time just being in the moment and letting the land, air and sky do the soul cleansing magic that I had only had glimpses of in the past. This is where healing happens. Where the heart and soul can mend and be refreshed. This is where you can reach down and touch the roots of the past and plant the seeds of hope for the future.... and so that is what I have been doing.

After leaving Arizona we headed to Kanab, Utah where we stayed in an RV park for a while

Life in the dunes

and have the slide looked at.That was easy and didn't cost me anything AND they fixed the water (or no-water) issue in the kitchen sink as well. Apparently I did NOT need a new motor as had previously been reported at the dealership in Hades (aka Nevada). Went on some awesome hikes and a few jeep trails and catch up with a friend I hadn't seen in years. (Thanks Sue C. for the great trail tips!)

Belly of the Dragon

We did have plans to go to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, we never actually made it there. Instead we headed east to Moab, Utah and, just as I did years ago, I felt a connection to the land and felt the healing power of the desert sooth the broken and rough edges of my heart and soul. I know that sounds so "fake and Lifetime movie" like but it's the truth. There is a feeling that happens when I come down out of a mountain forest or crest a final hill and see laid out before me the wide expanse of the desert with distant red cliffs, blue sky, green brush, small splashes of yellow and pink flowers.... my spirit lifts and my heart sings. A feeling of coming home even though I have never lived here. We camped the first few weeks about 40 minutes from Moab on BLM land recommended by Sue Sternberg... this site was amazing!

It's here that Blip entered our lives and what a joy she has been! She makes me laugh at least once a day and is truly the easiest dog I've ever had. She has adapted smoothly to every part of life in an RV. She loves to run when we are out hiking and she can be free but can be equally awesome on leash when needed. Two things keep her from being perfect.... 1) she will eat any and all kinds of feces she may find 💩💩and 2) she does not like men with hats or beards and especially men with hats AND beards.... 🤠🧔 Obviously I could paste about 100 photos of her here but I'll spare you.

Sue is an avid rock and dinosaur track hunter and we have had a blast taking Thelma out on the back roads around here. I come back every time with a pocket (and backpack, jeep, etc) full of rocks. I've also been looking at property out here and while we were out searching for a parcel of land that was for sale we stumbled upon a HUGE track site! I can't tell you how freaking exciting that was. There are 8 different tracks with over 50 foot prints... one of which was tracks of a running dinosaur! OMG!!

Incredible. It's an amazing feeling to stand where those giants once stood. We were standing in the middle of a desert area surrounded by the footprints of ancient creatures that had once stood on that exact spot but next to an ocean. Just take a moment and think about that.

And speaking of property, another big announcement..... I found land here in Utah! Not only did I find it, but I purchased it! I am posting photos below but they will not do it justice as it's so hard to capture the beauty on camera. The camera cannot recreate the colors or give you perspective on the views... but I have a 360 degree view that includes the LaSal Mountains, Morrison Formations, and red canyons that catch the sun set. Only 3 miles from the two different boat launches on the Colorado River. It's near a town called Cisco which, if you have some extra time, you should check out on YouTube. I have big plans and ideas for this land and promise to bring you all along if you're interested.

Well, that brings us up to the current timeline. Due to the heat wave that is baking the west right now, and because I am not prepared to stay off-grid in this heat yet, we are now at an RV park not too far from the property. (I don't have a name for it yet so I've been calling it 80 Acres... you know, like Dragon... I'm not creative at naming things) It has worked out SUPER amazing for us as the park is need of help with housekeeping for their cabins so I signed on to help out and that will pay for the rent. This gives us AC, water, laundry... during the hottest part of the year but lets me be close enough to the property to be able to map out some things like a road (there is a road to the property but I will need a road to get to where we will set up) and what I want to do to capture rainwater. There is no water on the property so I will haul water from a near by town so I'm also working on getting the things I need for that. So I have a lot of planning and research to do during the hot summer (oh yea, and I have wifi!) so I can hopefully get a lot accomplished come fall/early winter before heading back Florida.

So I think that brings you all mostly up to date. I hope you are all staying cool and that life is getting back to some semblance of normal for you. I will try not to go so long between updates going forward but balance that with not repeating that it's fucking hot here every update.

Stay healthy, keep cool and until next time, keep Movin' On.



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