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Deb Mason

We’ve been working on inside projects mostly for the last few weeks. Trying to get things warmer and more energy-efficient for all of us, but especially for Dragon. We had to order a few things from Amazon and Chewy so it took a while to receive everything but it finally all arrived and the last few days have been a push to get everything installed and set up. A huge shout out to Jess Suto for her help in coming up with ways to keep Dragon warm both short and long term. We used hand warmers in a sock under his bed until the brooder we ordered came in. For those who don’t know, a brooder is a warmer for chicks and runs on 12V so it’s super energy efficient.

The socks kept his tank a little warmer and him much warmer until the brooder came in. We added reflectix (that’s basically bubble wrap sheeted with a silver reflective material) along the inside back and sides with another piece loosely sitting above the lights added the brooder which can run virtually all the time and set up a bed underneath it. We also moved it up closer to the opening so it gets more of the radiant heat in the front of the tank. With all the updates, the tank is a good 10 degrees warmer overnight and once his lights are on during the day we’re able to hit 80 degrees easily. Still not his optimal summertime heat but I have definitely seen more of his normal Dragon behaviors. We’ll see if he continues to brumate and refuse food but I have hope and am a little less anxious he will die from the cold. Starvation is still on the table. (being a Dragon mom is stressful!)

I have given up my solar generator that I used for my CPAP machine for a full-time energy source for him. I set up the panels permanently outside in full sun and ran the wires into the cab of the RV so we always have enough juice for his brooder at least. I bought a new 1000 watt gas generator that I can run if the days are cloudy and that has allowed me to run my CPAP machine for a few hours of real sleep at night. Still working on how to make that run all night. I certainly sleep better when I have it. Ideas are always welcome.

We added the window heat-shrink plastic to the main windows in the living area as a test. I have to say it has made a difference in the amount of cold air coming in so I’ll probably do one of the bedroom windows and the kitchen window next. It’s a challenge putting that shit up with only one person! And, the gas generator is the only way to run the hairdryer. Thank doG I didn’t get rid of that thing when I shaved my head!

I cover the door at night with a beach towel and one of those backseat covers for dogs that I’ve had for years. That blocks a lot of the cold from the door. And we installed some interlocking floor mats all through the main area to keep out the cold on the floor. Not a bad install job for a non-professional if I do say so myself and it keeps the floor warm enough I can actually walk without shoes. This is a huge factor as the dust that comes in on your shoes is insane here so being able to take them off at the door is a big plus. Yes, I could have indoor and outdoor shoes, and I may do that at some point, but I have found that the only shoes that don’t bother my feet anymore are Birkenstocks (no jokes people!) and those are expensive. I bought a pair of Birk boots (who knew?) that have saved my feet but it will be a couple of months before I can afford another pair of inside shoes. Doesn’t matter because the new flooring is AWESOME! And orange. I’m loving the color.

The strawbales have been a big help with the cold too. And we add reflectix to all the windows at the front and hang quite the array of blankets over the cab opening at night (thanks again Granny!) to hold back the cold coming in/heat going out. I don’t know that any one thing was what made the difference but with all of the improvements, the place is now quite comfy temp wise. We’ll see what happens when we no longer have days that we can utilize the sun to warm up during the day. Right now, a small tank of propane lasts me about 5 days but I don’t run it once the sun is up. I’m sure that will change once we are into 30 degree and colder days. Time will tell and every day I learn or think of a new thing to try. Keeps the brain lubricated. I made a video today and a couple of photos in case the video doesn’t work on the blog site. (it didn't) The photos make it look cheesy. The video was good but I just don't have the cell service to upload videos. Maybe I'll post it to Facebook....

Update on the cows… it may be possible that Blip will save me thousands of dollars in fencing. She is certainly earning her dog food. At first, the cows would come up right up to the trailer (one tried to eat a straw bale) and hang out and around the homestead but Blip has now trained them to stay away from the immediate area. She doesn’t chase them but she will bark (it’s nails on chalkboard kind of bark that makes me want to leave the area as well) until they mosie off a good distance away. They tend to stay further away although now and again I’ll see them drift a little closer. If I see them first I’ll bring her in as long as they stay at a reasonable distance, mainly because I will eventually have plants and trees that I don’t want them to make part of their diet.. Every time we go outside now Blip runs a full perimeter dash barking just to let them know she’s still around. I’m hoping we can reduce the barking and it does seem to be improving. It’s sad that it also keeps the wildlife away but since I can’t afford to fence the place in right now, I’m happy she seems to have “cattle dog” in her genes.

I have become a regular star gazer out here, sans telescope. I go out at all times of the night/early morning to look at the stars and watch their travel across the sky. I see one or two “falling stars” a week. I want to learn more about the constellations so if anyone can suggest a good app for that I’d be grateful. So far, I’ve only found ones that assume the user knows about stars…. I know jack shit. I only know that they are amazing and I can pick out Orion and the Big Dipper. The other day I was out around 6am and Orion was at just the right place in the west to look as if he was running over the black silhouetted hills towards the Morrison plateau. Directly across in the east was the moon, a silver, bowl-shaped sliver of light with the shadow of the whole moon seeming to sit behind it. It was easy to imagine ancient peoples watching the night sky and seeing magical, mythical beings weaving a story.

The greenhouse is still an ongoing project. I’m now hoping I have it finished by spring. Goals need to be flexible. I have a huge learning curve out here but each small piece of progress feels good. I am starting to see what this place can become. I’ve had a picture in my head from the beginning but it was all in a dreamscape. It feels like it’s starting to have some defined shape to it now. The thing to keep in mind is that none of this is a short-term goal. Perspective in all parts of life is crucial. I don’t miss the frenetic yet repetitive life of being in the rat race. Practical, simple living gives you a new perspective on what’s important. And what isn’t. Most of my day out here is filled with working to live instead of working for a living. It’s a laid-back pace but full of “chores” - laundry is easier if I do it daily or at least every other day, and it needs to be done in the morning as it now takes most of the day to dry. In the summer it would dry almost as fast as I could hang it. Cleaning “house” is almost daily too so I keep up with the dust (and dog hair) that just seems to come in no matter what. Turning the compost piles and adding to them, tinkering in the shed, burning my paper trash, monitoring the solar, propane, Dragon, and Blip. In between the chores I sit and stare at the fields which now have black (and one brown!) cows when Blip doesn’t see them. I can look at snow-covered mountains and lose track of time. At night I can watch lights come on and go out. I listen to podcasts, read, watch the sunrise and set, track the stars, ride my bike. I haven’t taken Thelma out recently but I have a new place to check out. I’ve dug out my camera so I can start learning that. It’s a “new to me” one and I just can’t seem to figure it out. And one night soon I will set up the GoPro and the camera to try to catch the stars. It’s a silent kind of quiet most of the time but I hear the train multiple times a day, and small plains fly over the canyons that I can hear and watch. But in between those, it’s quiet and peaceful (well, there is Blip and the cows…). The noise of living in too much sound and light numbs the mind and soul and covers the beauty and peace the world has to offer. I have always loved my alone time but I was never truly alone before. It was a constant barrage of news, politics, corruption, lies… incessant chatter that blocked out everything that, I had forgotten, was necessary to find internal peace.

I do have a social life on occasion. Sushi dinners in Moab are a highlight. They will be closing around Christmas so that’s a bummer. The Cisco artist, Eileen, is around now so I’ll stop in and chat with her sometimes. The Buzzard’s Belly General Store is closed for the season. I had dinner at Sue’s the other night with a couple of her friends. And they came here the next day and we went for a bike ride. I have friends coming to stay in Thompson at one of the cabins for NYE and we will pack up Dragon and Blip and go stay overnight with them. I’m very excited about that. And my friend Sebastian is coming in February to camp here for a bit. I’m looking forward to that as well. And, I met a new "neighbor" who has a beautiful piece of property. I went to tour it today and it's views are stunning. I look forward to getting to know him when he's back in the hood. He's a writer and writes about local wildlife and adventures he's had while hiking. If you're so inclined to support him and want to read some beautiful stories from Grand County Utah, I recommend you get a copy.

On my way back from his place I saw this view! Totally blew me away. I reached out to a few locals and they all said they had never seen horses running free in this area. I hope they stick around. Another thing to teach Blip. Sorry, I couldn't pick just one to put here.

And then there’s always the social area of Facebook to keep in touch with many of you. I’ve started an “almost daily” post on Movin On’s page called F*cking Fascinating Facts. Those have been fun. It’s typically something I’ve heard about on a podcast, or in a book and I want to know more about it. Well, I think it's interesting stuff. I also take tons of phone shots of sunrises and sunsets and share them on my main page. I figure if people get tired of them they can scroll on by or block me. But overall, I think people enjoy them.

Well, I think this is more than long enough… and I still have to upload pictures before I can post it. Whatever you do or don’t celebrate this month I hope it’s all you want it to be.

Until next time, keep Movin’ On



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